Eco Circular Design

Innovative Synergy for a Sustainable Future

Eco Circular Design is founded on the distinctive skills of Sabrina Rizzo, a designer with deep expertise in innovative materials and resins, and Gian Matteo Panunzi, a professor of bioeconomy and expert in corporate sustainability management. Our startup is dedicated to circular eco-design, committed to transforming industrial by-products into new design products with strong environmental and aesthetic value.

Vision & Mission

We aim to be a benchmark in the circular economy, combining innovative design with advanced sustainability strategies. The collaboration between Sabrina’s technical-artistic vision and Gian Matteo’s scientific approach creates a unique platform for developing products that not only reduce environmental impact but also offer cutting-edge and functional design solutions.


With Eco Circular Design, we aspire to inspire a positive change in the world of design and industrial production, demonstrating that aesthetics and sustainability can be combined. Our mission is to promote a future where every product is designed with environmental consideration, contributing to the creation of a more responsible and sustainable industrial ecosystem.

Collaboration across design, innovative materials, bioeconomy, and corporate sustainability management makes our offering unique and valuable to anyone seeking to fully embrace the principles of the circular economy in design.


Eco-Design and Prototyping

We provide co-design services, using waste materials and by-products to create interior design objects that contribute to environmental compensation.

Corporate Sustainability and Ecological Transition

We guide companies in managing ESG sustainability, offering consulting for transitioning to eco-friendly practices and reducing environmental impact.

Training and Consulting

Through eco-design workshops and training programs, we share our knowledge on innovative materials and circular eco-design strategies.

Added Value

The synergy between Sabrina’s and Gian Matteo’s skills allows Eco Circular Design to offer a unique perspective in the field of eco-design. From creating new products to implementing sustainable systems in companies, our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of both design and sustainability.

Technological Innovation

We incorporate the latest technologies, such as augmented reality and environmental monitoring systems, to enhance our products and services, emphasizing the importance of innovation for a sustainable future.